Thursday, 27 September 2012

Fact sheet

Dramatis Personae


Favourite food

Tim: Is beer a food?
Jess: Salad Dressing!
Michael: Octopus.
Imogen: Peanuts/broccoli

Tim: Red/green (reen)
Jess: Quite likes green
Michael: Black. (My middle name)
Imogen: I hate colours.

Tim: Clothe-n Hooves
Jess: Long Jacket (it’s quite warm)
Michael: My pleather jacket
Imogen: TIGHTS

Defining film (Film as pathos)
Tim: 2001: A Space Odyssey  
Jess: Monkey (TV Series)
Michael: Tetsuo, The Iron Man
Imogen:  The Secretary

Sleeping Position
Tim: Like on my side  
Jess: Starfish
Imogen:  Belly

Theme Tune
Tim: Theme to 2001: Space Odyssey
Jess: Amanaemonesia chairlift
Michael: outrun thomas bangalter
Imogen:  Blondie Heart of Glass
 Favourite Drink
Tim: Hoppy Things
Jess: Tymbark
Michael: Mojito
Imogen:  Diet Coke

Tim: Hello! I read an article. Oh, you guys…
Jess: Um, you fuckers, SLEEPY. COLD. HUNGRY. FREEZING. Tasty snacks. Can we go to nice places now? Why don’t we move here?
Imogen: Says. Caravan. Bath. Lovely.

Favourite Orifices
Tim: Armpit
Jess: Nostril
Michael: Wrongun/Nipsy/Chufter
Imogen:  Mouth

Favourite Album Cover
Tim: Iron Maiden Number of the Beast
Jess: King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
Michael: Black Sabbath Paranoid
Imogen:  Grinderman Heathen Child

Favourite Sleb
Tim: Einstein
Jess: Lois Einhorn
Michael: Norman Finkelstein
Imogen:  Simon Amstel

Favourite noise from downstairs
Tim: Moaning
Jess: Load moaning
Michael: Thumping
Imogen: Fucking

Tim: High to low
Jess: Moderate to good
Michael: Shouts at kids
Imogen:  I hate work 

Favourite God
Tim: Argos
Jess: Nefertiti
Michael: Angros
Imogen:  Imhotep

Favourite Typface
Tim: Deputy Serif
Jess: Lucida Handwriting
Michael: Sans coffee
Imogen:  Comic Sans Bold (Pink)

Favourite protuberance
Tim: Armpit
Jess: Abnormal growth
Michael: Spuds
Imogen:  Big toe

Favourite Time
Tim: 10 o’ clock
Jess: sleepy time
Michael: time to get a new watch.
Imogen:  Home time!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Them Next Door

Our next door neighbours used to be a couple of children (or maybe just one), some of smoking women (women who smoke outside) and possibly an old man. They were replaced one night with a group of reflective-jacketed men who have been gradually tearing out the belly of the house, layer by layer. I wish I had gotten pictures of the first few days, as this was an amazing sight: Piles of sofas, lamps, carpets and blinds. It's been wonderful to watch layer after layer of this house being pulled out from the inside and laid in piles in the front garden. When it first started, and I was opening my front door, I noticed that I could actually smell that distinctive smell of "other people's houses". It was strangely nostalgic, and even more so when the smell has dissipated by the next day. It is sad to think of the ingrained dirt and belongings of everyone who ever lived there being stripped away, and the house being left as an innate, dead shell. Also, I hope they don't smash the whole house down, because I think it's holding ours up.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

We saw Avengers Assemble

Forgive me father for I have sinned. And would probably do it all again.

Making our first shaky steps, squinting madly into the blinding light of omnivorous June and the impending cheesepocalypse. It's glorious.

Here is a retrospective list of my Vegan May sins:

4 milky frothy delicious lattes. I feel no remorse. Sometimes you just have to be awake. And the lady at the counter doesn't hear you say soy.

2nd May. Montezumas, Spitalfields. In search of guilt-free chocolate snacks. Stumble into gourmetorganicluxurious chocolate shop and find the motherload. Pounced upon by eager sales assistant I am tricked into sampling milk chocolate truffle things. A small calf somewhere in the world cried bitter tears. I buy this in recompense.

12th May.Boho Mexica, Commercial Street.
'Business Lunch' Everything contains cheese or meat. I cave. Tostadas de Ceviche turn out to be tiny toasted things with bits of Sea Bass and lettuce. Marinated pork with pineapple encased in tortillas. Black bean pork stew thing. Heavenly. Beer with Lime juice and a salt coated glass.

26th May, 1pm. Google HQ  It's catering food on shiny plastic platters. 6 tiny sandwiches with the crusts cut off containing various kinds of delicious cheese.  It was either those or a massive plate of sushi. The view from the 9th floor was incredible.

30th May. The Luxe, Spitalfields.
It's the last day of the challenge, and I feel like this. Team lunch and I try so hard to be virtuous ordering Veggie cooked breakfast. With scrambled eggs.

This is just a small selection of my food transgressions, there were more but you get the picture. This month I learned that eggs and milk are the glue that holds our culinary universe together. And it blows.

On the positive side, I did try some new things on menus I never would have bothered with. Some sucked. YOLO.

Nandos veggy burger. Verdict: Stodgy Rubbish. Hidden extras included milk and unauthorised mayonnaise.

Wagamama Yasai Katsu Curry, Deep fried aubergine, sweet potato and other mystery vegetables with rice, curry sauce and salad. Verdict: Victory. Drawbacks: Difficult to eat as vegetables were enormous and there were only spoons for chopping. Resorted to skewering on chopstick. Awkward factor of x10,000

Bagel with Peanut Butter, Bagel shop one, Brick Lane. Verdict: Sticky. Delicious. Cheap. Always go to the first Bagel shop.

East Street, Tahu Goreng, Indonesian Curry with tofu. Verdict: Lovely. I particularly enjoyed the Hong Kong airport announcement soundtrack in the ladies loo.

Monday, 23 April 2012


Time until I reach the end of my life expectancy

Friday, 13 April 2012

Election problems?

There's something strange, in the neighbourhood, who you gonna call?


...or probably The Green Party, I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, to do that you need to register to vote at: before the 18th!

To help you decide here's some party election broadcasts: