Thursday, 23 May 2013

Operation: Destroy On Meeting InSide Cupboard Or Maybe Idealise Natural Grooming // (D.O.M.I.S.C.O.M.I.N.G) // 2013-05-24 / 2013-0-28


1330 - DOM leaves LINCOLN
1600 - DOM arrives at KING'S CROSS
1630 - TIM leaves SCHOOL
1631 - DOM arrives at BOG HAUS
1632 - DOM calls MIKE to ask him to let him in
1636 - MIKE notices missed call, rings DOM back
1637 - DOM enters BOG HAUS
1645 - TIM arrives at BOG HAUS
1740 - TIM, DOM & MIKE leave BOG HAUS
1750 - CHRIS arrives at DUKE OF HAMILTON
1800 - TIM, DOM & MIKE arrive at DUKE OF HAMILTON
1800 - IMOGEN leaves WORK
1800 - JESS leaves WORK
1801 - IMOGEN arrives at DUKE OF HAMILTON
18?? - JESS arrives at DUKE OF HAMILTON
1??? - JOE arrives at DUKE OF HAMILTON
1??? - BECKY and DAN arrive at DUKE OF HAMILTON

Note: TIM, DOM & JESS are going to FIELD DAY at 1200 on 2013-05-25. TIM will not have more than 2 PINTS. If he buys more he must be subjected to TERRIBLE FORFEIT for every purchase. This may BACKFIRE.

2320 - ALL arrive at BOG HAUS


1033 - DOM, JESS & TIM leave BOG HAUS
18?? - MIKE and IMOGEN leave BOG HAUS
2330 - MIKE and IMOGEN arrive at BOG HAUS
0023 - DOM, JESS & TIM arrive at BOG HAUS

1350 - CHRIS arrives at RICHMOND PARK
1??? - JOE arrives at RICHMOND PARK
1??? - BECKY and DAN arrive at RICHMOND PARK
1420 - ALL enjoy WALKING and BEER
???? - ALL leave RICHMOND PARK

Who even fucking knows

0820 - IMOGEN leaves BOG HAUS
08?? - IMOGEN arrives at INTERVIEW
1000 - IMOGEN gets JOB
???? - DOM leaves BOG HAUS
???? - DOM arrives at LINCOLN

Disclaimer: TIMES, DATES and LOCATIONS may change.

Thursday, 7 March 2013


There seems to be this prevalent idea that women's sexual orientation is fluid and changeable while men are more likely to fall strongly into a category and stick to it. I would argue that this phenomenon is being taken out of context of the place which women have in the world and the expectations of them therein. Women are, across the world, given a sense that although (in some cultures) it is important to gain an education and employment, they will ultimately have failed if they cannot "catch a man". 

There are many industries devoted to teaching young girls to wear makeup and dress in ways which will make them attractive to boys, and even more devoted to making sure that grown women can fulfil their ultimate destiny of finding their perfect man (through fashion, diet and examples of perfect women as portrayed in media). I would argue that while men may feel similar pressures to find a mate, they are not taught that this is their main path to fulfilment as a human being. It appears to me that for men, education, hobbies and careers are presented as routes to success. Examples of this can be seen on toy shop shelves; boys play with building blocks, plastic animals, educational/scientific toys, toys involving skill, and weapons; while girls toys are largely "homemaking" items such as dolls, pretend makeup, dressing up items and play cooking items. An example from adult life might be seen in the 'section headings' on news websites; there will generally be links to articles relating to World Events, Tech, Current Affairs, etc and a section of its own for 'Women', containing news about fashion, children, and exciting changes in the world of panty-liners. 

In this world where from an early age one is deeply ingrained (through everything from the toys available to play with, the television programs you watch, the people you see around you, magazines you read, films you see etc) with the sense that, whatever you do with your life until that point, ultimately you will be unfulfilled without your "perfect man", it must be extremely difficult to be a gay woman. If you are taught all your life that all you should want is a man, it may take some time to realise that men just don't get you off. Further cementing the confusion, women are actually expected to be sexually unfulfilled in their relationships: It is common knowledge that "women quickly lose interest in sex in relationships", "women will pretend to have headaches to avoid sex", "women often find it difficult to have orgasms", etc. So if a gay woman has always had relationships with men, and has always felt unfulfilled, she may believe that this is normal and to be expected. 

In the world of men, however, where one is taught so much more to seek fulfilment through building, creating and learning, it may be easier (although by no means easy!) to be confident in your sexual identity. If, as a man, you have sexual relationships with men, although there are certain types of people who will be upset by this, you have by no means cut yourself off from reaching what society perceives as success. You can be successful in the eyes of society (in your work, as a creator of things or a thinker or thoughts, or as a happy person) and be in a gay relationship. 

An interesting area which I have not yet explored here is the idea that it is seen as acceptable for otherwise straight women to "experiment" with sex with other women, while men are seen as less likely to do this. Firstly I would argue that straight men are the target demographic for much media, and so the apparent prevalence of "college lesbians" and lack of "college gay men" can easily be explained by the fact that we are merely shown more 'sexy teenage girls' kissing one another in mainstream media in order to target the male audience. Secondly, I believe that many bisexual men are largely dismissed as gay men in denial, while bisexual women are dismissed as straight women who are attempting to look alluring; drawing attention to their own sexuality by engaging in sexual activity with another woman i.e. engaging in a safe sexual activity while not actually allowing themselves to be penetrated (without allowing themselves to be broken/sullied/ruined). 

What it seems to come down to here is the act of penetration: If a man has penetrated another man or been penetrated, he is considered to be gay, whereas a woman cannot penetrate another woman with a penis and so if she has sex with a woman, society questions whether she has engaged in sexual activity at all. It may be considered to be 'safe' sexual activity; practice for the real thing- little more than masturbation. 

Society perpetuates the idea that male gay sex is concrete and real; that it is evidence that the man engaging in the act is fundamentally, biologically different to straight men. Once you have been penetrated (or penetrated a man), you are changed from neutral/straight man to a man who was gay all along- this is reminiscent of the way that the virgin woman is changed fundamentally by her eventual penetration: Innocence and mystery is destroyed and what was there all along is revealed. Opposed to this is the sex of gay women, ephemeral and innocent, play sex; practice for the real thing unless a woman 'decides' to never experience the real thing; a woman who does this is seen as sad, unfeminine, and denying themselves a real place in society.

Friday, 15 February 2013

This place is a Mecca for psychotic freaks

Today I’m interested in Mecca, and I went on a Google Search to find out the top 10 Meccas in the world using the search query “* is a mecca”. So, here they are:

1. The outskirts of rochdale is a veritable Mecca for pylon enthusiasts.

2. New York is a mecca for young artists.

3. New York City is a Mecca for theatregoers.

4. The valley is a mecca for wine lovers.

5. The coast is a mecca for tourists.

6. The Vaucluse is a mecca for climbers.

7. Holland is a Mecca for jazz enthusiasts.

8. Des Moines is a mecca of cosmopolitanism.

9. The national football centre at St George's Park has sent out a statement of intent to the rest of the world and will become a 'Mecca' for students.

10. Palm Springs is a mecca for Modernist architecture.

Edit: In retrospect, after creating this list, I have decided that although I do not doubt the good intentions of those hoping to make the National Football Center at St George’s Park into a Mecca for students, good intentions are hardly grounds for making it number 9 on the top 10 Meccas of the world. Also I am a little bewildered by the fact that Mecca, Saudi Arabia does not feature. In retrospect, that should probably be number one.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Valentine's Day

At the risk of sounding like a massive loser, I don't understand the problem with Valentine's Day. I do realise that Paperchase makes a profit out of it and everything, but there doesn't seem to be the same level of anger and vitriol directed towards the endless corporate cashing in on birthdays, and I never really did see the point in anyone celebrating the day they were born (other than maybe mothers, who create birthdays with their vaginas and should not be denied the pleasure of eating some cake in recognition of that- although that said, the last time I saw my mother on my birthday was about 8 years ago, so I think she's over it).

Back on the subject of Valentine's Day, though, I'd maintain that to celebrate love is no bad thing. In the past on the 14th of February, I've spent the day watching the Kill Bill films with my friends after waking up very hungover in the wrong bed; I've walked around town for 3 hours looking for a restaurant which my then-boyfriend wasn't too anxious to go into (we ended up sitting on the floor eating Chinese Takeaway and watching Cowboy Bebop); and I've filled my bedroom with fake roses in glass bottles, shared a candle filled bath (his hair set on fire) and then made sweet, romantic love wearing my new silver locket from Argos (sadly now smashed into pieces). There's even been one where I ended up in Boots buying the morning after pill. All of these Valentine's experiences were fraught with wonderful/terrible emotions, and I think that's great. Whether you're spending the day with a significant other, or your friends, in a club, or talking to people on Twitter, it's important to remember how nice it is that there are people who you care about as much as you care about yourself, because that's what  makes the world an OK place to live in sometimes.


Thursday, 17 January 2013


what a wanker lol
Michael Nude
Imogen Nude
Jess Nude

Tim Nude

Words With Friends



